Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Please feel free to e-mail me the e-mail address of other art educators and I will invite them to this blog to share. my email is

3rd Grade Art, Primary and secondary colors and mixing

My 3rd graders are doing one of my most favorite projects ever! It is the color mixing caterpillar. I found the lesson on YouTube and it has the cutest video to introduce the lesson. Check out the link This link will take you to step one, there are four steps total (4 diff videos) you should be able to access all four steps from the step one video. If you have trouble with the link simply go to and search the color mixing Caterpillar. ENJOY!

ART I Elements Cube

My Art I class (mainly 9th graders) have been studying the elements and principles of art. The project they are currently working on is an elements cube.  A 6x6 cube represents the element of form. We built the cubes from light weight cardboard.  On the remaining six sides they are to create an art work that accurately represents each of the remaining elements of art, line, shape, color, texture (both implied and actual) value, space(either neg/pos. or linear/atmospheric).  These small 6x6 artworks were done a 80# paper and then glued to the cube. Each art work had to be labled. I wanted the cube to be seen from all sides so we mounted them to a Styrofoam cup by hot gluing a corner of the cube to the bottom of an inverted cup. I also told them they could make it to hang from the ceiling.  Check out my example.  I will post student work when we get them finished.

Texture/actual and implies and line

Value and shape

nex/pos space and color

color and neg/pos shape